Using hydeX you can have you blog running in minutes on GitHub Pages.
hydeX makes customizing the layout and theme of your blog as simple as updating couple of configurations in the config file.
hydeX provides built-in integration with Disqus, enabling your audience to comment on your blog posts as well as interact as a community.
hydeX provides built-in integration with Google Analytics to help you get a deeper understanding of your blog's audience and performance.
hydeX uses tags to display posts related to the one being viewed. This functionality does not use Jekyll plugins and works on GitHub pages.
Configure hydeX's main page to optionally show excerpts in the post listing.
Link hydeX to social media profiles through simple modifications to hydeX Jekyll configuration file.
MathJax is a powerful Javascript engine to display Math and Scientific symbols. This is an example content post to show MathJax integration in hydeX.