Display post excerpts on the blog main page

Unlike Hyde, hydeX’s main page does not display complete blog post content. Instead, it displays a listing of posts published on the blog.

By default, the post listing includes the excerpt of the post below the blog title as shown in the below screen-shots.

Desktop Interface (with excerpts)

Desktop interface with post excerpts

Mobile Interface (with excerpts)

Desktop interface with post excerpts

The display of post excerpts can be disabled using the showexcerpt property in hydeX configuration file. By default, it is configured to display the excerpt in post listing.

# Theme configurations
pooletheme:                     theme-base-00
layout:                         normal                 # [normal | reverse]
sidemenutype:                   nonsticky              # [nonsticky | sticky]
showexcerpt:                    true                   # [true | false]
rel_post_count:                 3

Configuring hydeX to not display the excerpts has effect across Desktop as well as Mobile interfaces as shown in the screen-shots below.

Desktop Interface (without excerpts)

Desktop interface without post excerpts

Mobile Interface (without excerpts)

Desktop interface with post excerpts

Thanks, hope this clarification helps.

